Thursday, January 24, 2013

it was a fail.

I didn't make it.

The first day was great-- I felt pretty good, the smoothies were okay and the lack of coffee wasn't affecting me.

Then day two-- a train wreck. I had a pounding headache, I was hungry, and the smoothies lost their luster. The frigid air outside made it miserable to consume frosty drinks.

So I admit: when it got challenging, I quit. Yep, I'm a quitter.

BUT I did take some positives out of this:

-eating cleanly-- roasting the veggies instead (without salt) and quinoa

-only half of my normal coffee was consumed this morning. Score.

-I still haven't had cheese. and only one piece of bread. and no beer. This is monumental-- seriously.

Not the most exciting post, but at least one for me to keep track for myself.


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