On the one hand, I love my house. I love what we've built here; the painstaking time decorating, the fact that it's finally come together. The toys, the yard, the neighbors and friends. On the other hand, it's just stuff. Stuff that will be replaced one day. A house that I never intended to stay in more than five years anyways.
This weekend I spent a lot of time mulling over the logistics of what is to come. Here are the options:
1. Move now to Jax. Sell everything now and move into a furnished apartment.
2. Don't move. Sell everything when the date is finalized.
Benefits for choice #1- less stress when it's closer to moving time... more time to find renters, have garage sales, etc. Save $ with lower rent vs. mortgage & gas (less driving to Jax to hang out.)
Downfalls- What if, for some reason, this whole thing doesn't go through? And it's sad parting with everything. I know it's just stuff, and I claim to not care, but I'm finding that maybe I care. Just a little.
Benefits for choice #2- Safer. In case this doesn't happen. Less sadness now (more later, lol.) One less move, and less work finding an apartment that will offer a 6-month lease. With a mammoth of a dog.
Downfalls: What if it's time to leave and we haven't found renters? What if Diego can't come wherever we're going, and I need to drive him to Annie? I don't want to have to worry about the house when I'm about to leave the country.
Whew. Had to get it all out.
But I know that God is for us and not against us, and He will work things out how they're supposed to be. We're commanded not to worry, so I won't! Or at least I'll try not to:)
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