Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Feeling more like myself again-
Last week was just, well, weird, but weird in a good way.
As I'm learning to live out God's love in a more intimate way,
my daily routines and interactions with people are beginning to change.

Last week, I had way more grace than I've ever had in situations with the hubs that prior to the weekend away,
 would have cut me to the core.
 I was able to forgive the people in education who I'd felt had destroyed my spirit, because God says he'll judge me with the same wrath that I harbor against others, (and that's quite the scary thought!)
I literally feel lighter, freer, like I've regained the hope that I felt was lost.
(Not to be dramatic, but I really was in a hopeless, dull place that I felt I couldn't escape.)
What was lost (my identity in Christ) has been redeemed, restored, forgiven.

The weekend was filled with child-like joy and rest as I soaked up every minute with life-giving experiences. I've savored the sweet moments with my husband as I've been praying to return to the newly-wed state that we *technically* can still be categorized under.
I'm crazy about that boy- and the Lord is gently reminding me of his amazing qualities that make him my soul mate. It's not that I didn't realize these things about him-- I just think I was so wrapped up in my own junk and unfair expectations that I let the negativity fill the gap rather than allowing God to make me whole.

Anyways, last weekend was lovely.
The beach sun seeped into all of my insides as we napped (even Diego was feeling the love) and whispered sweet promises of Spring Break and ultimately, the rejuvination of summer.

We enjoyed blue grass at the Seafood festival, where I FINALLY bought a mug in the glazed style that I've been coveting for years.
(It's the little things..)

St. Patty's day was celebrated outside, in our favorite part of town. Green beer, Irish Carbombs, and bacon macaroni and cheese for late dinner. No pictures necessary, just pure imagination.

And, no posting is complete without pictures of the child. On Dad's side, clearly choosing to point his rear end towards the pillow.
Good boy.

1 comment:

Hilary said...

Your post made me smile for what might be the 1st time all day. I am so happy your spirit is back! I have been praying for you. And on a different note, I am coveting your mac and cheese. YUM!