Friday, February 24, 2012


I feel like I'm breaking some kind of rule:

It's lunch time and I snuck outside the door in the room next to me to enjoy the warmth of the sunshine with my shoes kicked off and Fleet Foxes on Pandora. Maybe I'll catch up on blogs. Maybe I'll plan on where I'm going to gorge my face this weekend in Charleston.

Or maybe, I'll take a moment to write down that I am full of hope right now. Hope is the "anchor for our souls," my life mantra, if you will. I have hope that in fact I am using my God-given gifts and talents to bless others, and am not wasting my life away like the lies in my mind love me to believe. I have hope that my students will rock the Florida Writes next week, and that one day they will say, "You remember Mrs. Checchia? Everything I know about writing started with her, and I'm thankful for that." (maybe that's a little ambitious..) I have hope that I'm where I'm supposed to be, that I'm giving life everything that I have to offer.

And my heart is happy to receive messages like this from a student who we're not sure is going to make the best decisions towards a "positive lifestyle, but whom I 'believe' in anyways:

"i think im doing quit well , i just need help with my grabber and organizer and i think the house as well. um i don't know ( didn't say idk ;)) if we cn work on this in class or if i have to come before or after school , what ever it takes i need to be the first one in my family to pass middle school and with your help im sure i will"
Sometimes it's reminders like these that teachers need as encouragement for doing what we do.
And I have pure joy at the prospect of spending this weekend with my love and BFF and her hubs in Charleston. One more hour of school, then I'm OUTTA HERE.

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