So a couple weekends ago Lynn brought me her road bike to borrow for a while until I save up for my own. Yesterday we went on our first ride and I was pretty nervous for a myriad of reasons... It was wet outside, I didn't know if I'd be dirt slow and hold everyone up, I was hesitant to ride down 13 in the bike lane because of all the crazy truck drivers, and I was afraid of clipping my shoes into the pedals and not being able to get them out (thus falling into oncoming traffic and getting run over.) I was kind of a mess. But I sucked it up and went anyways, thinking that at least if I get run over like an armadillo I'll be partying up in heaven with Jesus a little sooner than planned. Mike planned for us to ride to the park & back that we found last month. I think he thought it would be a warm-up ride (like 15 miles.)
I didn't say anything because I didn't want to contradict him, but I was pretty sure it was farther than that..
30 miles later we were tired, sore, and cold... but it was worth it. And no one spilled into oncoming traffic, so that's a plus.
We celebrated our workout with fried shrimp and beer from O'Steens.
30 miles! Go you! And I am coveting your Osteen's its my favorite ;)
I hear your fears. Matt has a road bike and although I've thought it may be nice to join him sometimes, I have some of the same fears. Oh, and no money to spend on a road bike either.
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