Monday, December 27, 2010

Lazy Aftermath

      Christmas in Melbourne was everything a girl could ask for, chock full of sappy moments & laughter.

    I loved when my mom reached for my hand while laughing over my favorite Sesame Street episodes on YouTube (does anyone else remember this?

    I enjoyed spending time with my cousins & their precious baby boys on Christmas morning. I have to admit watching them open presents and screaming with delight stirred the baby itch that's hidden somewhere within me (but no worries- it was suppressed quickly.)

   I'll cherish the laughter we shared as Mike spent 15 minutes unwrapping his new fishing pole that I meticulously covered with tape and small shreds of paper, or as Bryan serenaded us with made-up accordion music, and Mike's mom schooled us all in "Sorry." 

   I was overwhelmed with memories and love as I spent time with friends who will always be in my heart, no matter how far away we end up or how much time passes between seeing each other. It was wonderful to share a Panera breakfast with Cheree, catch up with Jessica as our dogs played tug-a-war, and run around Amy's house with Paul as if I were in high school again. Kelly was missed but we'll see her soon at Amy's WEDDING!!

   It was topped off by the promise of a road bike from Mike so that we can go on long rides together. I love my husband and look forward to new adventures in 2011.

Diego didn't know what to do with the stuffed dead animals in Amy's den...

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