Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mental Health Day

This week is dragging on. I know I'm not the only one that feels this way-- my students are falling asleep in class, teachers make eye contact and grimace....my mood can be summed up as:

Tomorrow's "Mental Health" day will be all about me. (And maybe just a little about working on the house.) I need to refuel, which will probably consist of some much-needed quiet/reflecting time with the Lord & spending most of the day outdoors. Maybe a good run. Diego time at the beach.

I pledge not to:
Check my work email
Go on Facebook 
Clean or do laundry
Eat leftover Halloween Reeses 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I totally did all of those things on my mental health day...but those last 3 are things that make me feel better. The first one I just always do before returning to work after a not being in for day - just to eliminate surprises.