Monday, August 23, 2010

First day; 3rd Edition

I can't believe I'm starting year #3. I just went through and read my 'very first week' blog entries and how excited I was to actually be in the classroom after a year and a half of learning about it. It was a much-needed reminder of how much I love my job and to keep the passion I had that first year!

Today was okay... the first day is always kind of boring as you're going through your routines. I found that I actually enjoyed seeing last year's students now in my 7th grade classes because they already know the routines. Hopefully they won't become too comfortable and go crazy on me. I already have a couple of 'rascals' that I'll have 'The Talk' with at some point this week.

I'll try to remember to take pictures of my classroom tomorrow to post.

This year's goal will be to figure out the best ways to 'refuel' when I feel like I can't make it. I'll have to brainstorm ideas--- any thoughts?

Awesome things of the moment:
-Amy and Paul were engaged!! can't wait for the wedding!!
-Talked to Annie on Skype last night
-re-painted the fireplace wall (so much better!)
-Diego's going to doggy daycare tomorrow. I hope he loves it!

Random picture of the day (can you tell my iphone has opened up a world of picture-taking possibilities?)

That creepy looking thing is a deer! It stared right at Kristin and I on our way home from the teacher party this weekend. Crazy!!


AMYLE1GH said...

totally awesome thing of the day!!!! thanks for the shout out. :) love you rach!
- soon to be mrs. winter

Anonymous said...

I've had students back-to-back before too. I love how it doesn't take me a month to remember their name and they already know your expectations.

Exercise is the best re-fuel for me. As hard as it is to start sometimes, and it seems like it would be so much better to veg on the couch, it pays off big time!

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