Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer Goals

After being inspired by a couple friends' blogs, I've decided to make it a goal to add an entry every day this summer. It probably won't be witty, and I'm not sure people will even read it, but I think it'll be worth it. Of course, every time I get super excited about blogging, things tend to get difficult. I decided to start by taking pictures of the flowers outside:

1. Couldn't find camera.
2. Found camera.
3. Camera decided to stop taking pictures and give black screen of death.
4. Stepped in dog poop. 

Epic fail. 

Today I made an attempt to pack up my classroom and finish my grant paperwork without much success. It's day 4 of running after an extended break due to a severe case of laziness; a quick jump on the scale sent me straight to the treadmill with no end in sight. My motivation to shed this year's stress induced binge eating poundage is for my best friend to surprisedly exclaim in six months upon her return from Italy, "Rachel, you look so skinny!!" Bring it on. 


Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! Can't wait to read more!

Anonymous said...

I didn't even know you had a blog!

AMYLE1GH said...

What if I say instead, "Rachel, eat a burger for crying out loud?!?!"

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