Sunday, June 27, 2010

No pictures today.

Too lazy to find the camera cord. But you would have seen a sweaty picture of me after I mowed the lawn; had our neighbor come over to help me start the weed whacker (harder than you think!) Then I ate watermelon for dinner and started the process of going through the huge bin of pictures that are pre-digital camera. So far I've found a couple awesome ones of Mike and I circa 9th grade when we barely knew each other and dating was the furthest thing from our minds...

Looking at pictures of life puts me in a bit of a funk... missing the carefree ridiculousness of high school, the bond we had at youth group, when Granny was her normal self, my best friends who live in different parts of the world...

but life progresses and memories are held in my heart.


Anonymous said...

I just mowed a lawn last week. (I blogged about it.) It will be the last time I do that for a little while.

I agree, when sorting through stuff, especially pictures, it's hard to stay on task and not just sit there reminiscing. I have yet to digitize 1990-2002.

AMYLE1GH said...

i say in 5 years we move into the best friends cul-de-sac.

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