Thursday, August 28, 2008

Day four. Almost to the weekend...

I can't believe I've almost made it past the dreaded first week. It feels like forever. Yesterday went so smoothly, then today was a zoo. It really was a good learning experience as to how important it is to plan ahead; I had to go to training yesterday, and I arrived super early today, but it still wasn't enough. I think I need to keep in mind that everything is going wonderfully and I don't need to freak out as much. I'm at least able to pretend like I know what I'm doing (and like I know what's going on) enough to get me through the day. I'm going to have to start disciplining, but it's so hard! Where do I start? How do I get the squirrely ones to be engaged so that I don't have to be on them every day, every five minutes? It's not their faults they can't sit still after lunch. I'm the same way... so why is it fair that I expect them to sit still and quietly for a whole hour? Is it because I'm the teacher, the adult, and they're the kid? We should be outside reading and writing and dreaming. I guess we'll wait till winter, when it's not so stinkin hot. Anyways, I gotta go to bed. It's late... I have a busy wedding weekend ahead of me, and I gotta make it through the half-day tomorrow. Peace out. 

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