Thursday, September 29, 2011

So I had to bake a cake this week for a lovely friend's bday, and I wouldn't ever think of myself as a master baker. I'm usually a grab-a-box-of-funfetti kind of girl, but this time I had a little more ambition. Unfortunately, though, I don't have a go-to recipe. After calling a friend in desperation for an idea and not finding it online, it dawned on me:


(What, you've never heard of it?) Every birthday my granny would make me this cake. It was my absolute favorite.... I'll never forget how excited I'd be when I heard the electric handheld mixer whirring, knowing it meant I'd get to lick the batter off the whisks. I've never tried to make this recipe; it turned out fantastic :)

I kinda cried a little during the whole process... I miss Granny's cooking!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

but PRIOR to the festivities...

I had a heart-to-heart with myself at the park. 

Following my bi-annual haircut and two glasses of wine, I needed a place to entertain myself before the crew got off work. Debating between a pedicure, Starbucks, and the park, I chose the latter and meandered my way through the oaks to find a shady bench by the river.

Ahh, sweet solace. 

You see, I feel most at peace when I am outside next to a body of water at dusk. The private moments when I am assured by the Lord that despite the lies my mind attempts to poison my heart with, I can certainly do this thing called "Life," and that He promises to be right by my side the entire time. 

I had a chance to write:

I am grateful for these stolen moments of quiet solitude. Rarely do I take the time to be alone....still... and to enjoy the serenity of my surroundings.
      The calm St. Johns murmurs before me, not really going anywhere, but offering a relaxing outlet to those hoping to snag tonight's dinner, others cruising peacefully on its smooth waters. A slight breeze makes its presence known every so often... just enough for a comfortable setting despite September's traditionally oppressive heat. The air hints of ocean water and of the great river from my childhood memories... evenings spent in the waning sunlight traversing the river's rocks with my dad and sister, proud that I can leap from rock to rock without assistance while Annie still needs the assurance of Dad's stable hand. 
       As if to assist in this memory, a sketchy ice cream truck pulls up to this park for a brief moment, cutting through the water's lull with its hagged tune, which is ironically mimicking the one from my own childhood. (One SuperMario Brother's ice cream cone with the gumball eyeballs, please.) 
     Another affirmation that this hard bench was meant for my tush at this very moment... the crickets just began their orchestral song that signals the end of summer days: My favorite summer sound, which I haven't heard for weeks.
      The sun sinks lower as a September storm rolls in, parkgoers doing their things (letting out the energy of their furry four-legged companions, children sprinting at the sheer joy of open space, workerbees staring out t the water, probably seeking a moment's peace like I am before returning to homechildrenwiveslife. 

I am beyond content in this place
my sushi roll consumed
my hairs cut
my papers about to be graded while
sucking down a decaf coconut mocha

Thank you, Lord, for these moments. They were much needed for the survival of my soul, and I appreciate you looking out for me and sending love in ways you knew I'd listen. I pray this year would be filled with plenty of these quiet times, that you would reach into the emptiest parts of my heart to
even  if that is a constant, daily process. As I've realized in my daily life, I'm one of THOSE who needs repeated reminders that I am ours. That I am special, worth it, and that 
I belong. 

short and sweet

The dog is staring at me. He wants to go play his favorite game, "stick." Well, Diego, I want to watch Glee and update the blog, so you'll have to wait just a few moments longer. Plus, it's 90 degrees outside.

Friday brought together good things this world has to offer. Hooray for Riverside and it's aura!

yes, that is the Checchia name lovingly tattooed on the bathroom wall at "the place with the shuffleboard." 

...David Bowie? We weren't sure. 

YES I'll take bacon in my macaroni and cheese. Please and thanks. 


 I'm loving our Friday night ritual. While we're all pooped from the events of the week, it's nice to celebrate the onset of the weekend and especially for me, to be around people who aren't between the ages of 12 & 14. I'll need to find an alternative for Diego, though, since spending every Friday at daycare so mommy can go out that night is getting a tad expensive.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

picture dump

Despite the ever-growing and never-ending ToDo list, I can't seem to get myself to, well, do. 

Once I cross the threshold into the Checchia residence, I conveniently forget all of the things I said I'd do at home. Instead I opt to a)play with Diego b)actually make a meal c)read blogs and maybe blog d)watch my SHOWS (which are back on.) I've come to terms with my need to procrastinate to function.

I have to keep repeating that life is way too short to stress or worry too much about my job. Today I felt like I was swirling down a flushing toilet...then zombie-dragged my butt to the car and spent half the ride home depressed....

BUT then I told myself to get. over. it. That this is not the end-all, be-all. There are always options. And besides,  I don't get paid enough to stress out. Boo-ya.

Phone dump time:
if annie and i were super good at the grocery store, granny would let us share a box. seeing these made my heart happy

i made a good dinner tonight. win!

and last night i ate fried green tomatoes. and they were delish.

 attempting to capture the ambiance of Harry's and my bff's beautiful face, got the waiter's rear end instead

Happy almost weekend!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Oh Gator football, how I've missed you. I don't think I truly appreciated you when tickets were easy to come by... although I'm pretty sure I'd still bail out on a noon game like I did in college. So thankful that my in-laws are AWESOME and gracious enough to help us score a couple tickets for some of the games!
I'm also thankful we WON. 
The game was much more fun now that I have a season of flag football under my belt. I actually kinda knew what was going on. And when the Gators make a good play and run down the field, and we're all instantly on our feet jumping and screaming and offering obligatory high fives, I know everything is right with the world. 

Here's our obligatory "Mike and Rachel at the game" picture. I should find all the ones from the past and put them together in a timeline... 

i can only go back as far as 2008 on this computer...

Looking forward to the rest of the season :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

(big sigh of relief)

I woke up this morning, realized it was light outside and rocketed straight up thinking I was missing first period. Just as I was about to scream a not nice word, Michael mumbles,

"It's Saturday."

Whew. Almost had a meltdown there.

Fall is always my busiest, especially coming off the high of summer relaxation. The new planner is purchased and the weekends fill up with football games, weddings, and Wyldlife events. And while I love every bit of it, I also thoroughly enjoy sleeping in & snuggling with my boys without having to go anywhere, making a big breakfast, and enjoying my coffee out of a mug.

AAAAAND let's not forget college gameday.
(Although I don't think they'll be coming to Gainesville any time soon.)
We're heading to the Florida/Tennessee game this afternoon. Let's hope it's not a blowout and the clouds stay put. I'm mostly excited about the Satchel's pizza I'll be picking up on my way out. Yes, please.

Football season takes the place of fall for a while until the cool weather sets in.
It won't truly feel like fall until mid-October when we escape to the mountains for an apple festival in Ellijay, Oktoberfest in Helen, and hiking in Vogel.

I. Can't. Wait. 

Friday, September 16, 2011

only took me a year to get around to it... then 4 hours to paint... but it's DONE!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

i so needed this night.

Even though it's way past my bedtime (10:12!!)....

I can't remember the last time I almost peed my pants or choked on a gummy bear from laughing too much. I love when those kind of nights just sneak up on you out of nowhere... maybe it was the fried green beans or the rainbow sprinkles, or maybe we'd finally hit the point of loopy exhaustion. Whatever it was, the middle schooler within me that I try so hard to suppress (it just took me seven tries to spell that word correctly) on a daily basis came out in full force.

We made a giggly scene in Sephora, smelling all the lotions and making faces in the mirrors until i had to leave the store to find a bathroom. I proceeded to harass Kristin in American Eagle. We happened to see Michael driving to the town center also, so we sped up to throw a gummy bear at his window. Kristin and I simultaneously chocked on our ice cream from spastic fits of laughter. There might have been my infamous dolphin impression thrown in the mix. (that paragraph was not in chronological order. that's why i'm bad at telling stories.)

It might be one of those "you-had-to-be-there" kind of nights.

I'm so blessed to be surrounded at work by such fabulous girls, which have ultimately carried over into my life. We needed this night ... we shoulda been grading, planning, and whatever-ing, but we figured it'd all be waiting for us tomorrow.

And oh how we made the right decision :)

i like my ice cream with extra rainbow sprinkles and gummy bears and reeses peanut butter cups.

is that my skin color?


Thursday, September 8, 2011

life lesson

I learned something very important today:

Don't verbalize your displeasure with an old car, because its feelings are easily hurt. 

Point taken, Exploder.

I had full intentions of going to our boys' first home football game. They've been asking me about it and I said for sure I was coming tonight with Diego. I accosted Ashley on my way out and convinced her to come home with me to get D, just to get away from school for a bit. On the way home, with much fervor and really without any reason I blurted out, "I can't wait until this car dies so I can get a new one." Ashley quickly said something along the lines of, "You better tell this car you love it. Never be mean to an old car."

Lo and behold, two minutes later, we hear a beeping sound and we can't figure out what it is... a dying cell phone? Something in our teacher bags? No... it's coming from the dashboard.

Then the car. just. dies.

In the middle of the road. On the main street where all our students/parents drive by.

Fortunately I was able to pull off... we were hysterically laughing at the irony of just having talked about this...and thankfully Rene (a friend in the neighborhood) came to the rescue. In the meantime a parent pulled over, seeing who we were, to offer assistance.

Oh dear.  I fear this is the first of many car issues to come. Just a little longer, Exploder.

 Let me make it to Spain first, then you can have your way and retire comfortably.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

finally i'll sit down to write.

i've been completely unmotivated to have anything to do with blogging. to be honest, i don't want this to be an emotional dumping grounds, so i've stayed away until i get an attitude check.

(attitude check hasn't really happened, but i'll blog anyways.) and i'll blog about the good things. Because deep down, i've got the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart (where?!)

good things in rachel's life:

-planning our first-ever couples' trip with Amy & Paul (does the apostrophe go there? I don't even care if it doesn't.)

-drinking an ice cold fat tire and watching people run by instead of being the one actually running

-the change of weather... it just smells like fall and makes my heart happy/ready for a season change

-the prospect of spending this weekend with my momma at a retreat.... i sure could use some Jesus right about now....and just a break from life in general....

-Gator football and the fact that tailgating season is finally back

- i work with some INCREDIBLY fantastic people. in fact, without them, i'd be completely insane by now.

-Let me expand on that last one--- I've been praying for a solid foundation of friends to help me through life here in good 'ol st. auggie... and this summer it all came to fruition as I realized how much i LOVE my coworkers who are now my best friends and who will help me function this year.

- our new(free from neighbor) foosball table and FINISHED GAMEROOM!! (as in, we have one game and that is foosball. plus some books and the old stinky futon.) at least i can check this room off the list and hopefully one day i'll get to the other ones...

-Michael. He is so good to me. and i don't give him enough credit, especially when i'm cranky and back in the routine of work. i'm glad he's still sticking by my side.

-aaaaaand even though i'm not sure what i'm doing tomorrow with the 8th graders (something about main idea & supporting details? hmmm.....) i'm gonna go cook myself a fantastic, kinda late, dinner.

The End.

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