I've been on the go since school got out. I imagined myself basking in the gloriousness of relaxed boredom all summer long, but it's been one thing after the other! Today I finally got a chance to slow down and, well, be a little bored. I roamed the house a bit thinking about what I could do, then I laid down and thought some more, then finally got up to once again tackle the randomness in the garage. I decided that I kind of liked the dishes that we somewhat inherited when Mike's grandfather passed away last year, so they finally migrated out of the boxes they've lived in since then and made their way into the kitchen. I did some research online about the brand (Pfaltzgraff?) and found out they're from the 70s and still available to purchase. Kinda fun. Not sure if 10 place settings are necessary, though... except maybe for when I host Thanksgiving for both families this year?
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Insert Witty Title Here
I've definitely been slacking on the blogging this week. So much for taking a picture every day. Maybe I'll be better about it when I order the new iphone I've been coveting for a while.
Sooooo today was day 2 of IB training; I've really enjoyed it thus far and think Danielle, Amy, and Lindsay have done a fantastic job of facilitating. It's really helped me to piece everything together that I've been hearing for two years ... I had a bit of an 'aha!' moment today as I somewhat got the hang of formulating the 'Big Question.'
I mustered up enough motivation to run 5 miles after training today because the temperature was below 90--- while it was a relatively good run, I think it put me over the edge in terms of fighting off this impending sickness I've had since my mom passed on her spores last weekend. Thanks, Mom.
Tomorrow I plan on waking at the crack of dawn to join Ashley and Danielle in Bodypump. We'll see how that goes... I have no husband to kick me out of bed this time when the alarm goes off...
Sooooo today was day 2 of IB training; I've really enjoyed it thus far and think Danielle, Amy, and Lindsay have done a fantastic job of facilitating. It's really helped me to piece everything together that I've been hearing for two years ... I had a bit of an 'aha!' moment today as I somewhat got the hang of formulating the 'Big Question.'
I mustered up enough motivation to run 5 miles after training today because the temperature was below 90--- while it was a relatively good run, I think it put me over the edge in terms of fighting off this impending sickness I've had since my mom passed on her spores last weekend. Thanks, Mom.
Tomorrow I plan on waking at the crack of dawn to join Ashley and Danielle in Bodypump. We'll see how that goes... I have no husband to kick me out of bed this time when the alarm goes off...
I was able to incorporate my recent obsession with facial hair into the training.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
No pictures today.
Too lazy to find the camera cord. But you would have seen a sweaty picture of me after I mowed the lawn; had our neighbor come over to help me start the weed whacker (harder than you think!) Then I ate watermelon for dinner and started the process of going through the huge bin of pictures that are pre-digital camera. So far I've found a couple awesome ones of Mike and I circa 9th grade when we barely knew each other and dating was the furthest thing from our minds...
Looking at pictures of life puts me in a bit of a funk... missing the carefree ridiculousness of high school, the bond we had at youth group, when Granny was her normal self, my best friends who live in different parts of the world...
but life progresses and memories are held in my heart.
Looking at pictures of life puts me in a bit of a funk... missing the carefree ridiculousness of high school, the bond we had at youth group, when Granny was her normal self, my best friends who live in different parts of the world...
but life progresses and memories are held in my heart.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Love My Family
I was lucky enough to spend a couple of days with my older sister and her beautiful family at our parents' house. They are such a joy-- I wish we didn't live so far away! We spent plenty of time in the sun enjoying each others' company. I can't wait to visit them in Chicago during Labor Day weekend!
Annie leaves for Chile for 6 months this week... I miss her already!
Diego redefines the concept of 'lapdog.'
Feeding... the giraffes?
Friday, June 25, 2010
I commit to Capture Kids' Hearts!
Three days this week I had the opportunity to attend a training called "Capturing Kids' Hearts." I went into it not sure what to expect, but honestly, it was one of the best I've ever attended. It really focused on the heart of why we teach and gave practical information as to how we can be more effective in the classroom by empowering our students to think for themselves. As teachers, we tend to manage our students and react with sarcasm, but we need to remember that we may be the only positive adult in their lives; we have the power to affect them positively or negatively.
It was very empowering and definitely challenged me to be a better teacher, wife, and friend.
It was very empowering and definitely challenged me to be a better teacher, wife, and friend.
Thanks, Coby!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Wednesday's Randomness
1. There's a certain joy found in sticking your head out the window.
3. Found my new favorite dinner: spread some hummus on pizza dough, top with cheese and veggies & bake. PHENOMENAL. I specifically had Publix's cilantro hummus with pepperjack cheese and kale on top (which is THE BEST vegetable on the face of the planet, and I just found out about it recently!!)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Thank God for Grace
About six months ago my dad brought up all my childhood memorabilia in storage bins and dumped them in the garage where they've sat ever since. I kind of got used to them blending in with the surroundings and neglected them until yesterday (much to Mike's dismay- sorry babe, i'll never do it again.)
It was finally time to tackle the memories and purge myself from unnecessary... well... crap. Here are the things that didn't make the cut as keepers:
Notes I received from friends circa 7th/8th grade... let's just say they should all be burned and no one should EVER read them.
Every corsage from every dance I went to. Really not necessary as I can't even remember who I went to most of the dances with.
Other losers:
Love letters from ex
Programs from random events
Rock collection
But there were some winners!
My dad used to write us letters when he and mom had to go to work at night and we wouldn't get to see them. I apparently kept a lot of them; it was a nice surprise.
Emo journals-- they're so dramatic it's ridiculous. But it was a nice reminder that God's grace is everlasting despite the temporary insanity that occurs during puberty. Annnd it was also a reminder of how important I thought things were in middle school, which always helps when you're a middle school teacher.
Back in the boxes and up in the attic they go until the next time we move.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Home again home again jiggity jig
The above title was a phrase my grandma said every time we pulled into the driveway. Not sure why.
So nice to be home. I missed my husband, my Diego, and my bed. I had the most wonderful time with my family and am so thankful that Mr. Checchia gives the 'okay' for trips without him. I think about the families that have members who don't speak to each other or hold grudges and I'm so grateful that God has strengthened our bond over the years!
When I got home I was surprised to see that Mike had kept himself busy by building sweet things for the garage:
Maybe I should leave more often...
His first project will be to build Diego a stand for his food and water bowl. We have ourselves one tall lab-- I feel bad that he has to bend down to eat!
We also took a walk in the rain; Diego was able to wear his gift from Grandma Checchia:
So nice to be home. I missed my husband, my Diego, and my bed. I had the most wonderful time with my family and am so thankful that Mr. Checchia gives the 'okay' for trips without him. I think about the families that have members who don't speak to each other or hold grudges and I'm so grateful that God has strengthened our bond over the years!
When I got home I was surprised to see that Mike had kept himself busy by building sweet things for the garage:
Maybe I should leave more often...
His first project will be to build Diego a stand for his food and water bowl. We have ourselves one tall lab-- I feel bad that he has to bend down to eat!
We also took a walk in the rain; Diego was able to wear his gift from Grandma Checchia:
Although his face doesn't show it, deep down he loved wearing it.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Family Roadtrip Days 4 & 5
I heart backpacking. When you reach the top of the mountain, there's nothing else like it. We hiked about 3 miles up to Shining Rock which was beautiful, then stayed overnight and came back down today. Now we're watching Harry Potter... not quite ready to go back to real life but I miss Mike & Diego. Time to go home :)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Family Roadtrip- Day 3
Asheville is definitely cute- but I don't think I could live here. There's too many people trying to be hipster and there's no way I would ever fit in. But we had a fantastic day exploring and eating tons of amazing food. Getting a chance to go to REI is like going to Disney World; I have to admit I did a pretty good job of refraining from spending tons of money on things I don't really need.
Tomorrow we hike into the wilderness and Dad is prepared (but kind of bummed he didn't get any binoculars...)
Tomorrow we hike into the wilderness and Dad is prepared (but kind of bummed he didn't get any binoculars...)
Best. Sweet potato. Pancake. EVER.
It's always a good time for a dance party.
Random iron
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Family Roadtrip- Day 2
Today we spent our time in Fort Bragg with my cousin and his beautiful family. What a joy to see where he's at now-- all grown up! We went to a sweet army museum and hung out with the kids....
I got a little out of control with the camera at the museum...
Watch out Mom and Dad!
Then we hopped in the car and drove to Asheville, NC. I think I'm in love. And there was a "Fudruckers." Now I've never been to this place, but I have heard the claim multiple times from Mike's mouth over the course of our 8 year friendship that he made up the name "Fudruckers" when he was 8 and someone must have stolen it from him. He still gets pretty heated about it.
The best part of the day was the sunset; we were just able to see the Smokey Mountains and were listening to Joni Mitchell and tears came to my eyes at the realization that I have the best family and that I'm so thankful to be loved unconditionally by them. It was a nice moment.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Family Roadtrip- Day 1
If you happen to be traveling north on 95 through South Carolina, there is no possible way you can make the drive without stopping at South of the Border. It's pretty much the most fantastic place on the face of the planet. There's just something about the giant sombrero and general creepster feel that forces me to pull over every time. Annnnd it kept me entertained for about an hour taking pictures of all the billboards:
No comment, but again, uncontrollable giggling ensued. And apparently I was the only one who thought it was funny.
I don't know about you, but this one induced me to inappropriately uncontrollable laughter for about 5 minutes.
This one immediately followed.
I really couldn't tell you its meaning.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Unpacking one suitcase only to pack another...
Made it home after a 4 1/2 hour drive. Saw a beautiful sunset last night on the beach! Englewood is an interesting place--- very pretty, but the median age is probably 80 years old. Definitely not a whole lot to do there, but we had a very relaxing weekend nonetheless.
Tomorrow I'm heading off on a road trip with the fam sans husband (am I supposed to do things like that? Not sure...) but he couldn't take off work. We're visiting my cousins and the new baby somewhere in South Carolina, hitting up Asheville, NC and backpacking Shining Rock. It's been a while since the backpack has seen the outside of its home in the closet-- a little depressed as I tried to buckle the waist strap and it didn't even come close to connecting. Must. Start. Exercising....
Mike attempted to teach me how to skip shells. I failed.
Beautiful sunset
Sunday, June 13, 2010
i heart weddings.
Weddings bring people together; it's really the only celebration where everyone in your life is willing to drop everything to be a part of it. I cry my eyes out every time a bride crosses the threshold and walks down the aisle towards her teary husband!
Friday, June 11, 2010
School's Out!
It's hard to believe that my second year of teaching has passed-- and what an interesting and emotional year it was. As I look back it seems crazy to reflect on all of the things were accomplished. Here are some of my favs:
- an incredible trip to San Francisco to complete a 1/2 marathon
- attending an awesome conference in Philadelphia (& meeting sweet authors like Gordon Korman!)
- not getting destroyed in the Warrior Dash
-surviving an Odyssey of the Mind team...
- and being a part of Wyldlife!
It's time for a much-needed break. I find it difficult to describe to non-teachers how important our summers are to emotionally regroup and find the strength to do it all over again in a few short months. Our job isn't just to impart knowledge of our subject areas; we simultaneously play the roles of a parent, older sibling, mentor, and friend in some aspect or another to 200ish pre-teens.
I couldn't ask for a better life, or better people to share it with :)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Summer Goals
After being inspired by a couple friends' blogs, I've decided to make it a goal to add an entry every day this summer. It probably won't be witty, and I'm not sure people will even read it, but I think it'll be worth it. Of course, every time I get super excited about blogging, things tend to get difficult. I decided to start by taking pictures of the flowers outside:
1. Couldn't find camera.
2. Found camera.
3. Camera decided to stop taking pictures and give black screen of death.
4. Stepped in dog poop.
Epic fail.
Today I made an attempt to pack up my classroom and finish my grant paperwork without much success. It's day 4 of running after an extended break due to a severe case of laziness; a quick jump on the scale sent me straight to the treadmill with no end in sight. My motivation to shed this year's stress induced binge eating poundage is for my best friend to surprisedly exclaim in six months upon her return from Italy, "Rachel, you look so skinny!!" Bring it on.
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Blog Archive
- Finally... some rest...
- Insert Witty Title Here
- No pictures today.
- Love My Family
- I commit to Capture Kids' Hearts!
- Wednesday's Randomness 1. There's a certain joy fo...
- Thank God for Grace
- Home again home again jiggity jig
- Family Roadtrip Days 4 & 5
- Family Roadtrip- Day 3
- Family Roadtrip- Day 2
- Family Roadtrip- Day 1
- Unpacking one suitcase only to pack another...
- i heart weddings.
- School's Out!
- Summer Goals