My after-school hours are starting to slow down. I get done at three; up until this point, I've been staying until six, but I'm really trying to cut back. It's nice to get home and have time to exercise before cooking dinner and planning for the rest of the night. And I've been cheating by reading for fun a little too much. I just can't put those middle school books down...they're so good! This week I read Stargirl by Jerri Spinelli, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and now I'm reading Black Duck. All excellent books, and fun to read.
To switch gears a bit, I'm a little frustrated with my elective class. It's only one period a day, and I'm finding it hard to prep for it. Last night I put in a couple hours of planning just for one period! Ack. I feel like I'm not even getting into the things that I had hoped to cover. I hope that it's meaningful for them. Hopefully they'll learn something about leadership skills. Maybe next nine weeks will be better.